January 15, 2022 | Mona Oates

Martin Luther King: Creativity and Underrepresented Groups

Martin Luther King: Creativity and Underrepresented Groups. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that: “Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”Universities and research institutions thrive on inspiration, creativity, and innovation. They are pillars of progress. The most successful institutions produce the most cutting-edge technologies, systems, and cultural revolution. These developments are then adopted into our social network and improve our everyday lives.

Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that: “Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”


This holds true for today and far into our futures. Higher Education environments require a diverse workforce and students. Time and time again research has shown that individuals of different backgrounds accelerate innovation. It is often the person with lesser representation who is willing to push known standards and schools of thought.


What could be the reason? For one a person who stands outside of the norm often see and unfortunately experience the imbalances present in an institution. This institutional bias expands beyond the workplace. It exists in our social structures, healthcare, technology, voting accessibility, food education and availability.


Thus, underrepresented persons develop a drive to improve and unite our world. They are a requirement in higher education in order to direct our society onto a path where we all become people and are not judged by their color, sexual orientation, hair,
gender, religion or any other identity.


Martin Luther King: Creativity and Underrepresented Groups. I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.