May 12, 2022 | Mona Oates

Including Native Americans, Asian American, & Pacific Islanders in Higher Ed Institutions

Action to implement culturally specific programs for Asian, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans are almost unheard of. Their unique cultures and historical relevance are too often ignored but due to separate circumstances. While one group is the model immigrant the other is virtually invisible. Close examination of their needs is required to device appropriate resources. Including Native Americans, Asian American, & Pacific Islanders in Higher Ed Institutions is vital to our growth of respectable and diverse workplaces.

Asian and Pacific Islanders

Asian and Pacific Islanders are mostly lumped into a singular group. Which makes them invisible to possible needs. “Model Immigrant” stereotype prevents them from reaching possible support academically, emotionally, and physically. Rarely were they part of racial inequities until recently.

Rising Asian hate crimes are elevating the awareness for support and resources for this group. However, distinguishing between the wide range of nationalities has yet to be widely recognized. This includes higher ed institutions who provide little resources for their Asian population.

Native Americans

Similarly, Native Americans receive little recognition for their achievements or needs. They bring forward great insights and understandings. However, you will not find their tribes’ flags on campus, leaving them invisible. Some colleges and universities recognize that they are built on native land. A small ceremony lends as a band aid without additional follow through. Universities must commit to actionable outreach to the displaced communities, who inhabited the land long before the institutions were set in stone.


Both populations, Asian and Native Americans, face almost opposite problems. While Asian professors represent almost 11 percent, Native Americans represent less than the Unknown population, which is 2.5 percent versus 0.2 percent. One group is perceived as the model immigrants and the other receives little to no recognition. However, both groups face a lack of support that is customized to their needs and cultural experience.

Leaders and staff of Higher Ed institutions need to push against the stream and begin to implement programs that integrate Asian, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans that recognize their cultural individualities and implement policies that protects them. It is time to move beyond intentions and small gestures. Institution have to commitment and show responsibility to make good to those unattended and ignored.

One start would be to write the right job ads to culturally diversify and include those we ignore most. Including Native Americans, Asian American, & Pacific Islanders in Higher Ed Institutions workforce is one small step to recognize them.

March 8, 2022 | Mona Oates

How to Recruit and Hire Women in Academia

For more than a decade women have been earning far more doctoral degrees than men. However, male candidates surpass women in gaining tenure, getting published, and reach leadership positions.

Women are not equally represented in higher education but much of the focus on why is based on structural barriers. A study by Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE) found widespread implicit biases against women and their academic work.

However, to hire women or diverse groups does not need to be about gender. If you want to see more women in your workforce, consider the following tips on how to recruit and hire women in academia. Or if you are looking to find a higher education position, take note to set your standard.


How to Recruit and Hire Women in Academia

Higher education and research institutions are forerunners when it comes to improving diversity in their workforce. However, implicit biases tend to linger and prevent highly qualified candidates to be hired or to accept the job.

Speaker Events

Candidates may mingle with faculty and build a relationship. How to Recruit and Hire Women in Academia

If you are seeking to recruit a diverse workforce, consider opportunities for potential candidates to speak at your institution. These events allow potential applicants to attend your facilities before they are looking to apply.

The opportunity to speak at an event or department generates excitement and allows for the speakers to mingle with faculty and build a relationship outside of the interview environment.

If the institution funds the visit socioeconomic inequities between candidates are lowered. This highlights your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion at the workplace. The department could organize a virtual event to reduce expenses. However, face -on-face interactions are priceless.

Inclusive Job Postings

Academic Diversity Search is optimized to reach your desired women and underrepresented candidates. How to Recruit and Hire Women in Academia

The first step to reach many future candidates is by publishing your employee needs on assorted job boards. Specialized job boards such as Academic Diversity Search are optimized to reach your desired women and underrepresented candidates.

Your job description has to focus on the position’s role and expectation. Remove alienating terms like “rock star” or “powerhouse” and ensure that job titles are clear and concise.

Include salary ranges. Through transparency about the salary ranges you promote equal pay and that your institutions prioritizes qualification over gender.

Interviewing Etiquette

Potential candidates are busy working and looking for a new opportunity. Set yourself and the interviewing team a definite time limit to respect the interviewee’s time. Extending the meeting can be possible but should confirmed with your candidate. If it is clear that they have a time limit, please respect it by ensuring that you can complete the interview in the designated timeframe.

Encourage candidates to contemplate their responses before answering your questions. Being in a physical or virtual room with strangers can be stressful and generate a power imbalance. Allow them to be mindful of their answers and to overcome reactionary responses.

Comments can be misinterpreted, and some themes should not be mentioned in an interview. Marital status, gender related scandals, racist and sexist jokes and remarks should all be avoided. The candidate may have had a trauma related to these topics, plus they are all irrelevant to an interviewee’s qualifications for the position.

Be an Active Role Model

Awkward and inappropriate comments happen during interviews. Instead of brushing over the incident show initiative and correct the person on their behavior. You demonstrate responsibility and represent an institution that acts on its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statements. Candidates will appreciate your act and may feel more comfortable to be part of your team.

demonstrate responsibility and represent an institution that acts. How to Recruit and Hire Women in Academia


Hofstra, B. (2021). Stanford research reveals a hidden obstacle for women in academia. Stanford News. Retrieved March 03, 2022, from

Pierson, E., Redmiles, E., Battle, L., & Hullman, J. (2020). If you want more women in your workforce, here’s how to recruit. Nature. Retrieved March 01, 2022, from


O’Brien, S. (2019). How to Recruit More Women to Your Company. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved March 01, 2022, from

February 21, 2022 | Mona Oates

African American Faculty Status in Higher Education

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted many issues in America’s institutional structures. One that rose strongly to the public eye was the Black Lives Matter movement. Many systematic inequalities for the black and brown community became visible. Representation of African American faulty in high education was one of the topics that became obvious within the academic community.

Current Status

Persistent underrepresentation of African American faculty in the US colleges and universities affects the diversity and success of the institutions’ students and research innovation. Additionally, existing black and brown faculty face greater hurdles to attain tenure and accomplish required research publications.

Research identified that the group’s characteristics, experience, achievements, and opportunities vary vastly compared to their Caucasian counterparts. As a result, African American faculty are systematically disadvantaged. Universities fail to remove obstacles to recruitment, retention, and success of their black faculties.

Only 4% of African Americans represent professors and associate compared to their white tenured faculty at 87%. On the instructor and lecturer level African Americans representation is almost double at 7%. Nonetheless, white colleagues are 82% of that group (Chronicle of HigherEd, 2000). In contrast per the 2019 US census more 13% of the US population are Black.


Beyond continued underrepresentation African American faculty are consistently represented at lower levels of the academic hierarchy.  Persistent obstacles prevent African Americans to climb the prestige hierarchy of academia. The hurdles to overcome can be categorized into two parts:

  1. Black faculty is overburdened with teaching and service responsibilities, which are less likely to be recognized and rewarded. These tasks are also amplified as African Americans tend to value them in order to reach and engage with their students. Expectations for them to attend minority issues, racial relations, and recruitment committees absorb additional time. Therefore, faculty of color spends more time tending to students instead of having time to engage with research.
  2. Inflexible expectations about research and publications by their respective institutions. Professors of color often focus on identity, racial/ethnic dynamics-based research which is less valued in research universities. Additionally, research grants are harder to attain due to color and unconventional research topics.

How to Remove Obstacles

Universities and colleges outside of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) need to identify all hurdles within the pipeline of recruiting, retaining and promoting African American faculty members. Some of these hurdles include rewarding strong dedication towards teaching and services, while reducing the expectations to attend committees. High education institutions should be capable of creating greater equity by removing the obstacles identified by existing research.

Universities have begun to initiate stronger recruitment requirements of African American faculty since the Black Lives Matter movement. However, representation of African American faculty remains low in US universities and colleges. Improvements are becoming noticeable, since June 2020 about 22.5 percent of presidents and chancellors hired to US colleges and universities were of racial minority groups, excluding HBCUs.



Allen, W. R., Epps, E. G., Guillory, E. A., Suh, S. A., & Bonous-Hammarth, M. (2000). The Black Academic: Faculty Status among African Americans in U.S. Higher Education. The Journal of Negro Education69(1/2), 112–127.


Lederman, D. (2022). Diversity on the Rise Among College Presidents. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from


U.S. Census Bureau, (2019). U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2014-2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from

January 15, 2022 | Mona Oates

Martin Luther King: Creativity and Underrepresented Groups

Martin Luther King: Creativity and Underrepresented Groups. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that: “Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”Universities and research institutions thrive on inspiration, creativity, and innovation. They are pillars of progress. The most successful institutions produce the most cutting-edge technologies, systems, and cultural revolution. These developments are then adopted into our social network and improve our everyday lives.

Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that: “Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”


This holds true for today and far into our futures. Higher Education environments require a diverse workforce and students. Time and time again research has shown that individuals of different backgrounds accelerate innovation. It is often the person with lesser representation who is willing to push known standards and schools of thought.


What could be the reason? For one a person who stands outside of the norm often see and unfortunately experience the imbalances present in an institution. This institutional bias expands beyond the workplace. It exists in our social structures, healthcare, technology, voting accessibility, food education and availability.


Thus, underrepresented persons develop a drive to improve and unite our world. They are a requirement in higher education in order to direct our society onto a path where we all become people and are not judged by their color, sexual orientation, hair,
gender, religion or any other identity.


Martin Luther King: Creativity and Underrepresented Groups. I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

| Mona Oates

What is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Academia

Since our founding the concept of diversity has changed dramatically and evolved further to help institutions to fairly incorporate diverse groups. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Academia is now the foremost concept to give guidance to universities and other institutions to have their diverse staff thrive within their workplace.



Diversity is commonly used and talked about at the workplace. However, it is often misunderstood, and its definition has blurred. Frequently diversity is applied to individuals. It needs to be pointed out that a person cannot be diverse. A group of different individuals may be diverse. This is an important point to remember since labeling someone as diverse undermines their individualism and places them as other than a perceived default, which is usually systemically privileged individuals who may not necessarily be the majority. A diverse group includes the presence of differences. Diversity is represented in race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, and socioeconomic class, as well as physical ability, veteran status, whether or not you have kids. Other aspects that need to be considered are diversity of thought.



What is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Academia. Inclusion creates common shared valued experience and a sense of belonging.Once diversity became a focus and institutions began to hire underrepresented groups it became evident that the status quo work environment did not result in employee retention. Diverse groups cannot work well together unless they feel valued, and their needs are heard. Inclusion requires the employer to go beyond numbers of representation and create common shared valued experience and a sense of belonging. Inclusion maintains diversity because it allows all employees to be their selves at work while maintaining a professional, collaborative, and productive environment.




While inclusion is a vital element to ensure that all individuals at What is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Academia. Equity recognizes individuals' hurdles and advantages throughout the workplacethe workplace feel welcome, one must recognize that everyone
must have access to resources, rewards, and any necessary support. Equity recognizes individuals’ hurdles and advantages throughout the workplace. By addressing them every employee has the opportunity of equal possible outcomes in their career and personal growth. Equity is not equality since each individual may not start at the same level, and require support and resources to be as successful as others. For example, job applications could be standardized so that each candidate has an equal chance to apply and being interviewed. Additionally, companies need to recognize that underrepresented groups work harder because they are being asked to help with diversity discussions and equal rights policies within the company. While it is honorable of the employer to include many groups in the decision making it is vital to compensate them for the additional time they invest.


How does DEI apply to academia?

Universities have been the pioneers of diversity and inclusion for decades. The primary reason universities moved forward on this mission is due to student demands. Students insisted to have teachers and mentors that are relatable and showed them that a career in academia or other university jobs welcome individuals of all backgrounds. Some institutions of higher learning start to develop programs to teach their students the skills to implement DEI in the workplace. For example, the University of Michigan initiated a Graduate Student DEI Professional Development Certificate Program.

Institutions can apply DEI in a multitude of ways and state their agendas as a moral or instrumental perspective. Stating a moral commitment often results in the mission to correct injustice, while the instrumental strategy helps to highlight the benefits of diversity to more privileged groups. The latter approach while emphasizing the beneficial learning outcomes of increased diversity, instrumental diversity may end up being more beneficial to the privileged groups rather than the underrepresented individuals it was developed for. It appears that a dual approach of moral and instrumental strategy is applied to bring equity to all individuals and have more privileged groups understand the benefits.

Begin to become a DEI leader today and post a job.

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